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Writer's pictureAmber Corasaniti

Day 7 - You made it, CONGRATULATIONS! 🎉

👏 It's the final day of the Gut Health Challenge and Cleanse!

We know this has been a LOT of information, but we truly hope you have learned some simple steps towards better health.

The last tip for you has been a gut-health staple for us:

Life Shake™. One of the reasons we drink Life Shake every day is because it has ingredients that are aligned with what we have been learning all week:

• 🔸 Promotes Healthy Digestion and Regularity

Provides 6 g of fiber, a proprietary prebiotic from ancient grains, and digestive enzymes to help keep your gut happy.

🔸 Helps Support a Healthy Weight and Metabolism

Life Shake contains Leucine® to help you burn fat, support metabolism, and build lean muscle. † It's also low in sugar. All of which is ideal for gut health because excess weight can disrupt your microbiome balance.

• 🔸 Boosts Energy and Satiety

Contains 20 g ultra-pure, non-GMO protein with precise essential amino acid ratios to help you stay energized and satisfied.

• 🔸 Supports Heart, Brain, Vision, Immune, Bone, and Overall Health

Packed with 24 essential vitamins and minerals, ALA (an essential omega-3 fatty acid), and other nutrients to nourish your GI system and whole body.

†As part of the Shaklee 180 Program.

If you're looking to continue with weight loss at a safe rate of 1-2 pounds per week and don't have time to cook during the day, check out our 180 WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM.

Clinical study participants replaced two meals with Shaklee Life Shakes (and meal bars) daily, reduced their caloric intake, and followed a 45-minute exercise program twice weekly. See full details of Life Shake clinical studies at

➡️ How have you liked your morning Lifeshake? Post your favorite Life Shake recipes in the comments!

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