Common Objections
You’ll only be given a handful of objections ever and the quicker you learn them, the better off you’ll be!
1. I don’t think I have enough time to do this! Clarifying question: Well, how much time do you think you need to do this? I’m actually looking for busy people, because busy people get things done. I have to tell you that people have way more time than they think they do and most people work this business in very part time hours around everything else on their plate. It just requires consistent effort of doing a little bit every single day and working it into your every day life and conversations. And lets be honest, we all find time for the things we want to do, like binge watching Netflix or scrolling the internet. So you said you’d like ( more hours, more money, more time, more flexibility) In 10-15 hours per week (10 minutes here, 15 minutes there 30 minutes there) you can invest time in achieving those goals. So what I’m curious about is, is not whether you think you have the time for this, but whether you want to devote the time to it to get you to (their pain point)
2. I don’t have the money to do this! Clarifying question: If money wasn’t an issue, would you want to jump in and build a business that could help you with (repeat their pain point) “If you don’t have 49.99 to invest in a business of your own that can grow an additional stream of income, it shows just how bad you actually do maybe need to build this business. We don’t want people living paycheck to paycheck or not being able to spend 49.99 without worrying about it. Do you have the investment amount on a credit card? If you do, I’ll teach you how to make your investment back through product sales and growing your team. I will keep you laser focused on the income producing activity that will get you a return on your investment. If they say they need time to get the money together, schedule an enrollment appt so they have a timeframe to work towards. Also assign them homework and have them write down their WHY and really dig deep and write down their initial DREAM TEAM of people they would want to do this business with. ** If they ultimately decide after they don’t want to do, we have their DREAM TEAM of people we could help build their own business and we can offer this opportunity to.
3. I don’t want to bother family and friends! Clarifying question: Why do you think you’d be bothering family and friends? I’m so glad to hear that, because that’s NOT what we do. We share products that can enhance or change people’s lives. If you’re coming across like you’re bugging someone, you’re not being coachable, and you’re not following our simple system. We’ll teach you how to causally and conversationally talk to people you know and people you’re referred to. And look, not everyone will want to join your business or try your products and that’s ok. We have to remember not be tied to an emotional outcome of any no.
4. I don’t know enough people! Clarifying question: How many people do you think you need to know? We all know a LOT of people. We’ll help jog your memory so we can remind you of all the people you’ve known and know in this life. One thing I’ve learned about this business is it’s not the people who YOU know, but the people that THEY know. Plus this business is a great way to get to know new people. We’ll teach you. And remember, don’t prejudice. The people you think will, won’t, and the people you think won’t, will. You never know who’s looking for exactly what you have, and frankly, I respect the people I know enough to let them make their own decision on what they need. I’m pretty sure you’ll know enough people to start a business. What I’m really interested in, is how much you like people? Because this business is all about people. If you don’t enjoy talking to people, then you won’t have fun and you won’t show up. So let’s talk about how much you love people”.
5. I’m not a salesperson! Clarifying question: Why do you think you need a sales background? Good, because I’m not looking for sales people. I’m looking for passionate people who love to share about things they love. I’m also looking for people who enjoy helping others. Does this sounds like you? If it does, we can teach you how we do what we do. And let’s face it, most of us who do this have never done traditional sales, EVER. We sell ideas. We sell to our kids every damn day to get them to do what we want LOL.
6, The timing just isn’t right for me! Clarifying question: What would make it the right time? The timing of starting a business is never the right time. Kind of like having kids, but we jumped in anyway and we figured it out because it was our priority. Perfect timing doesn’t exist. But it sounds like you want to (repeat their why) so if you’d like, lets talk about how this could fit into your schedule so we can get you to (their WHY)
7. Is this a pyramid? Clarifying question: What do you mean by pyramid? Pyramid schemes are illegal, LOL. I would never be involved in anything illegal (unless you count that speeding ticket I get 10 years ago) LOL A pyramid scheme is when you pay for a membership and you get no products or services in return. If they reference “One of those things were you make money other people?” You say do you mean an MLM company? Absolutely. I wouldn’t be in it if it wasn’t. Unlike corporate American we get to build a business model where we get rewarded for teaching others how to build a business. In corporate America, we will NEVER make more than our boss. In this business, we can make whatever we want and it’s not dependent on anyone else.
Do you have any other questions, or are you ready to get started?
If they decline to get started say “I sense some hesitation. Ask away about what you’re unsure of and I can help you or I can get you in touch with our Corporate Team or highest ranks in the company to answer anything for you.
THE KEY IS BELIEVING IN THIS BUINESS MODEL AND COMPANY – Whatever you DON’T believe in is what they’ll sense inyou and ask questions about.